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15.06.2020 Sustainability manager for Starlinger

Starlinger, Vienna, Austria, has appointed Clarissa Graf as sustainability manager.  “My task is to devise and implement a company-wide CSR [corporate social responsibility] strategy,” she said. “This strategy is being developed internally – for example in workshops – and is constantly extended through the participation in external events designed to promote an exchange of experiences as well as further training in the field of sustainability.”

Through her studies in the field of environmental management and ecosystem research, Graf combines her knowledge of natural cycles with business objectives and economic processes. In doing so, she relies on existing resources and a lively exchange with the entire group of employees as well as other companies. This year, she has applied for membership of respACT, Austria’s leading business platform, which supports companies in practising business responsibly and thus works towards a sustainable and future-oriented economy. This is accomplished through providing assistance in the area of sustainability, through clear communication of existing guidelines in the course of reporting as well as through networking events such as the annual CSR day.

“Sustainable business management has been a focus of our activities for many years,” emphasised Starlinger managing partner Angelika Huemer. “In doing so, closed production circles and plastics recycling are key priorities. With the appointment of a sustainability manager and the membership of respACT, we will be able to address this topic even more intensively.”

“Starlinger stands for application-oriented machine solutions for the production of flexible packaging from plastic fabrics, while striving for highest ecological and economic sustainability,” added Graf. “It is not enough to ‘think green’; we need clearly defined goals which are then consistently pursued and subjected to continuous evaluation.”


Clarissa Graf

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